
Selling Your Home

Comparable Market Analysis (CMA)

Ask Lynette to prepare a CMA - Comparable Market Analysis. This report lists similiar properties in your area that have sold and what buyers paid for the properties similiar to yours.

First Impressions Matter

How your home looks on the outside will determine if potential buyers will even get out of their cars to look inside your home.

Exterior Tips
  • Sweep the walkway
  • Trim shrubs
  • Remove any and all clutter
  • Does your home need paint?
  • Clean gutters, windows and roof
  • Mow the lawn
  • Plant flowers
  • Clean up after pets
Interior Tips
  • Make sure all appliances work
  • Fix any leaking faucets
  • Clean the kitchen and bathrooms
  • Check sealants on tubs, showers and sinks.
  • Clean and vacuum carpets
  • Remove all clutter
  • Remove pet odors
Personal Items

While you love your personal items such as pictures and gifts you have accumulated over the years, others are trying to picture themselves in your home. Remove as many personal items as you can and put in storage for when you move.


Keep a few upscale items out to stage your home for potential buyers. Create a welcoming feeling in your home with an apple pie candle or fruit basket. Make sure everything is thoroughly cleaned.

You will be glad you took these steps to make your home inviting!

Lynette will develop a strategic marketing plan for your home in an effort to get buyers to notice your home. You might see her use some of these tactics: Professional Photography, Signage, Flyers, Open House, Internet, Social Media, and Agent Marketing.

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